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EM - Dirigentlunsj og rundebordskonferanse

Fredag 24. mai kl.12-16, Sentralen
Kl. 12.00-14.00: Sparebankstiftelsen DNB inviterer til lunch med «speakers corner» der tema er repertoar.
Kl. 14.00-16.00: ECWOs rundebordskonferanse med tema økosystemet i korps med vekt på dirigentutdanning.

Blandt bidragsyterne på programmet er dirigenter i EM, komponist Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen, Sami Ruusuvuori, Mark Heron, Eline Melgalvis og Perry Göransson:

NMF is a part of a large project called Dirigentløftet. Home — Dirigentløftet (dirigentloftet.no) This is a long-term commitment to strengten and develop norwegian music culture and competence of conducting at all levels in Norway. The project is funded by Sparebankstiftelsen DnB, and NMF is a strong contributer towards the programme. Eline Melgalvis has agreed to share information about the programme.

Sami Ruusuvuori – President Finnish Wind Band Association – Chief Conductor Helsinki Police Orchestra – The first wind conductor graduated from the DocMus Doctoral Department of the Sibelius Academy at the University of the Arts Helsinki with a doctorate in music. Doctoral thesis: «Symphonic wind orchestra and European repertoire composed for it» (2022).

Mark Heron – Head of Conducting at the Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, appears as a guest with professional orchestras and ensembles through the UK, Europe and further afield, is Music Director of the Nottingham Philharmonic Orchestra, and is regularly invited to give conducting masterclasses internationally.

Perry Göransson – Project manager for the National Association of Wind Music, vice-chairman of Music in the Nordics and treasurer of the Nordic Orchestra Music Union, and chairman of the association Swedish Wind Music and the association Sweden’s Unga Blåsare. To build at stronger band field, collaboration with the Karlstad university and The Norwegians Band Fountdation has been important. This has resulted in several courses for band conductors who lead ensembles at various levels.

Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen (b. 1964, Norway) is a freelance composer, arranger and conductor. He studied at the Bergen University and Bergen Music Conservatory (now the Grieg Academy). The broad spectre of musical activity, the versitality in his production and his interest in working with amateurs and young musicians, can be explained by the fact that Aagaard-Nilsen regard composing as a kind social activity. «The composers (and artists in general) play an important role in the modern society. Art finds it’s way under the skin, as imprints of experiences. In a modern society it is more important than ever to give listeners an alternative. That is why I consider my music to have a function, beside the fact that it is music«.

Lørdag 25.mai fra kl. 10, Oslo konserthus
De som deltar fredag får tilbud om billett til EM janitsjar i Oslo konserthus lørdag.

Begrenset antall plasser. Førstemann til mølla gjelder.
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her. Frist: 1.mai. 

13. mai

Dirigentforum med Leif Ove Andsnes og Bergen Filharmoniske

25. mai

Koralliansens temakurs: Afrikanske rytmer for dirigenter og korsangere